Venaissance Girl (n.) -- A universal woman who has broad interests and accomplishments in all things Venice (i.e. arts, fashion, action sports, environment, tech).

Renaissance Woman (n.) -- "woman of the world" or "universal woman" A woman who has broad intellectual interests and accomplishments.

GRETTA KRUESI -- artist, athlete, transmedia host, philanthropist, brand strategist, tech geek, collision networker, social entrepreneur. Venaissance Girl.

Venaissance (n.) -- the influx of technology companies to Venice, CA and nearby coastal communities on the westside aka "Silicon Beach" in recent years that are involved in revolutionizing the exchange of information. Where art meets crime meets technology. J.J. Aguhob, president and co-founder of Viddy, described the Venice area as “this is probably one of the most fertile grounds for people to come up with new ideas.”

Reference: The Argonaut

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